Sunday, February 21, 2010

Procrastination resulting in deviation

Alright. So I am studying for my first Accounting 100 exam that is on Tuesday (holy crap, I'm studying ahead and not waiting until Monday night?!?!) but I am a bit bored. The practical application of accounting is interesting but memorizing the particular wording of a term so that you will be able to properly respond to a test question isn't exactly fun. So, I've deviated from cartoon reviews and decided to post a survey. It's rather random and I got it from I have filled it out below and please feel free to do the same.

Do you secretly like to go grocery shopping?

Yeah it's fun. Not really sure why though.

What wild animal would you love to have as a pet?

Hmmm. I'm not sure. All the wild animals I can think of would just end up being a pain. Maybe a Koala Bear?

What brand name do you think if just way over the top expensive?

I tend to be a bit of a bargain hunter and avoid brand names.

What's your favourite magazine to read, if you read them at all?

Eh. I pick up a magazine in the grocery store every now and then but I'm not a big magazine reader.

Do you find it hard to concentrate in really loud places?

Really loud? Yes. And also really quiet. I find that I am able to complete work in a crowded area. (For instance, I'll do my homework near the student lounges.) I tend to like company when I do my homework but talking to my friends interferes with my studying so this is a nice medium.

Do you tend to get more sleep on the weekends the during the week?

During the weekend of course. Gotta catch up on the week. (Ok, I know that doesn't work, but I can pretend)

Breakfast; yay or nay?

Depends on the day. (I made a rhyme, a rhyme oh hey!)

What's you opinion on Tiger Woods, after all that he's done?

It's none of my business what people decide to do with their lives.

Do you feel the media can be too harsh on people?

Yes. Unfortunately, it comes with being famous though.

Are you comfortable talking to strangers?

It depends.

What's the most creepy experience you've ever had?

I'm not really sure. I've had a few.

What's the most boring game to exist? Why do you dislike it so much?

I don't know really. Most games are fun.

Do you lie about not having extra pens, so you don't have to lend them?

Only sometimes.

Do you think the world is really going to end in 2012?

Well, no one really knows for sure. But I believe the statements about the end of the world in 2012 were retracted...I'm not sure though.

^ Have you seen the movie 2012? What's your opinion on it?

No I haven't.

Yay, you're going out on a date! What do you wear?

Probably dress casual.

What's the last movie you saw in theatre? Was it good?

Planet 51. No it was not.

What are some of your biggest fears?

Eh. Don't think I'll mention 'em.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Oh it switched a lot. Doctor, teacher, flower girl...etc.

Do you think there is a lot of pressure on students these days?

Hell yeah.

Do you tend to like surveys with long detailed questions, or short ones?

Either or. Depends on the questions really.

On average, how long would you saw your on the computer per week?

This question is worded weird. If I'm understanding it's meaning though, I'm online a lot.

Do you like your music loud?


if you had to lose one of your five senses, which would it be?

Crap. You know I've thought of this before and I'd have to say sense of smell.

Would you rathewr have no computer or no cellphone for a week?

I'd say computer because it is impossible to get a hold of people otherwise. (At least for me.) Besides, I can use someone else's computer.

What's you favourite thing to have for dessert?


Do you tend to straighten or curl your hair more?

I used to straighten my hair a lot when I was younger. It's naturally curly and long though and straightening became a pain in the booty.

What's your favourite summer sport?

Not much of a sports person but I like going to the pool.

Can you dance, or do you just completely fail at it?

Lol I have no idea. I got an A- in my Interpretive Dance class that I took as an elective but otherwise I couldn't tell you. Either way, I dance for fun.

What's your favourite YouTube video? What's it about?

Don't know if I have a favorite video per say, but I watch Shane Dawson every week.

Do you get nervous when you're about to get a haircut?

Not usually.

Choose one: Hanging out at the beach, or playing some winter sports?


Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

No. I believe that things happen and then people attach meaning to them. Some people believe things happen for a reason and that's fine. I prefer to look at a situation objectively and then decide what to do with it. For instance, if a relative of mine were to die suddenly, I wouldn't think that it happened for any particular reason other than people die, that's life and also death. I would focus more on moving on and how I could use what that person taught me to help me in my life. I would also tell stories about that relative so that he or she would live on in spirit.

What's the coolest place that you ever been too? What'd you do there?

Not sure.

Don't infomercials make you laugh? What's your favourite?

Yes. The Magic Bullet is my favorite. (Not to be confused with the Bullet Express.) It plays more like a sitcom than an infomercial and appears to have a fan following.

What's your most played song on your iPod?

I don't have an iPod, I have an MP3 player and I lost my charger so I am unsure what I played the most when last listened to it.

Oh look, a shooting star! What's your wish?

More wishes. ;) It's not like it was a genie or anything.

When you were a kid, weren't I Spy books the coolest thing ever?

No. Pokemon was the coolest thing ever.

What do you do to pass the time when you're waiting for something?

It varies. Sometimes I'll surf the net, play video games, talk to someone on the phone, sleep.

What's the earliest time you ever had to wake up? Was it hard for you?

I don't know. I wake up at 5:15 AM every Tuesday and Thursday because I have to take the bus. It really sucks. My classes don't start until 8:00 AM those days but I have to catch the bus. If anyone out there is willing to give me a ride. I'd pay you what I would pay for the bus. (It would end up being around $6-$8 a week.)

What radio station do you listen to most?

Don't really listen to the radio.

Whenever you taked pictures, do they always end up posted on Facebook?


What's the background on your computer right now?

A badass cat with a monocle and a top hat.

You have unlimited money, what do you do with your life?

Pay for college and books and a car, charity, buy a house, start a business, get married, travel the world, buy video games, by hard to find stuff from the 90s, buy Anime merchandise, the list goes on.

Do you want to do something to make a difference in the world?


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